At TWAS Repair, there is only one way: the right way. It is based on this belief that we orient our daily conduct, in our internal and external relationships. With the firm purpose of encouraging a workplace that is ethical, upright, transparent and free of discrimination or injustice, TWAS Repair has created a Code of Ethics and Conduct that should be followed strictly by its Associates, and known by all its partners and suppliers.
TWAS Repair has a Channel for Complaints on the internet and a Committee on Ethics and Conduct with the autonomy and independence to investigate, canvas and judge violations of our Code.

TWAS Repair and its administration are committed to conducting all their affairs ethically, with integrity, transparency and in compliance with applicable law.
Toward this end, in accordance with its public commitment, it endeavors to comply with national and foreign anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, including Brazil’s Anti-Corruption Law 12.846 and the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), and expects all its Employees and Third Parties to comply with the guidelines and procedures established in this Policy.

TWAS REPAIR activity is guided by elevated ethical and moral standards, which it tries to disseminate throughout the chain of production. In line with our Code of Ethics and Conduct and the principles of good corporate governance, we have a dedicated channel for complaints, information and suggestions on these matters. Anonymity is assured. The procedures were developed bringing together secure resources, in order to assure that the identity of the whistle-blower and information provided are kept confidential. We rely on your collaboration to maintain a workplace that is ethical, upright, transparent, sound and free of discrimination and injustice.
The Complaint Channel is an exclusive channel for complaints, information and suggestions related to the TWAS REPAIR Code of Ethics.
Messages and calls that do not meet this objective, such as sending resumes, contacting suppliers and other questions not related to the Code of Ethics and Conduct, will not be evaluated or conducted by this channel.